Business Water

We find the best water rate prices for your business

Here at Complete Business, we know the importance of saving money as a business where possible and we’re confident in our abilities in helping you save money on your business water rates.

We compare business water suppliers’ prices to find the best and most affordable commercial water supplier for your business.

Why compare business water prices?

Since the deregulation of the business water market in England (excluding Wales and Northern Ireland), the market has been open to competition from different providers, meaning that businesses now have the option to choose their business water supplier.

This has resulted in numerous benefits for businesses as it means they’re able to choose their own water supplier for their business now, without being bunched together with hundreds of other businesses all under one provider. This means that businesses can now shop around and compare prices to find the best deal for their business.

By switching business water supplier your business can take advantage of a range of benefits, including:

  • You could save a lot of money by choosing a more cost-effective water supplier.
  • You might be given the option to choose electronic billing, which makes it much easier to pay your business water bill.
  • You might benefit from better customer service if you switch to a new supplier, rather than remaining with your current one.
  • You will likely have the option to streamline all your business water bills if your business operates across numerous sites.

How are business water rates calculated?

There are numerous components that make up the amount you pay for your business water, depending on whether you have a water meter or not.

If your business premises has a water meter, your water bill will be determined based on estimated water consumption for your business. It will include a fixed standing charge (the size of your water meter, the readings of your meter and the overall maintenance of your meter) and a variable volumetric charge which is based on the amount of water you use.

Alternatively, if your business doesn’t have a water meter, your water consumption isn’t taken into consideration and instead, your bill will include a fixed charge based on the rateable value of your business premises as well as a fixed standing charge that encompasses the cost of billing and customer service charges.

How much are business water rates in my region?

Business water rates vary depending on the different regions around the country. For example, business water rates tend to be more expensive in places where there is less rain and a denser population as there is more pipework involved in transporting water to each and every business property, so water rates tend to be higher in these areas.

You can get an idea of the typical business water rates in your region by heading to the Gov website to get an estimation of the average water rate that you can expect to pay.

How much are the average business water rates?

Average business water rates vary depending on numerous factors. Below, we’ve put together some information based on the 10 cheapest regional business water suppliers in the country, based on 200m3 consumption.

Supplier Water £/M3 Water fixed Waste £/M3 Waste fixed Total bill
1. Northumbrian £1.0646 £38.77 £0.7793 £77.02 £484.57
2. Thames Water £1.4570 £17.84 £0.8963 £44.71 £553.21
3. Severn Trent £1.5172 £45.59 £0.9400 £39.53 £576.56
4. United Utilities £1.7010 £48.07 £1.1050 £0 £609.27
5. Yorkshire Water £1.3621 £40.86 £1.5599 £48.91 £674.17
6. Anglian Water £1.3472 £58.00 £1.4212 £37.00 £648.48
7. Southern Water £1.9998 £46.00 £1.2484 £18.00 £713.64
8. Wessex Water £1.2600 £50.89 £1.9988 £85.85 £788.89
9. Business Stream £1.5652 £68.22 £1.8391 £79.36 £828.44
10. South West £1.9718 £50.85 £2.9162 £49.83 £1,078.28

Is there VAT on business water rates?

You won’t usually be required to pay VAT on your business water rates unless your business falls into an industry such as engineering, manufacturing or construction, in which case you may be required to pay 20% VAT on your business water rates.

Can I save money on business water rates?

You can certainly save money on your business water rates in numerous ways and one of the best ways to save money and reduce your water for business usage is to improve your business’ water efficiency.

Along with comparing quotes from different business water suppliers, saving water as a business, in general, can help to reduce the amount you pay for your business water. Becoming more efficient with your business water usage will seriously help to lower your water rates.

One of the steps you can take to becoming more efficient with your business water usage is to take a meter reading twice a day over the course of a month to see how much water your business is using on average.

You can also carry out some of the following tips to try and improve water efficiency and reduce your business water bills:

  • Install automatic taps - these are thought to save you up to 70% compared to manual taps as less water is wasted.
  • Install dual flush technology in your toilets (this can save up to 70%).
  • Install rainwater storage tanks.