Business Phone

Compare business phone providers & save money

Having a dedicated business telephone can help you to streamline communication within your business, both with your internal staff and also with your customers in the outside world. People enjoy seeing businesses that offer a professional service and a business landline certainly helps to show customers that you’re a business that’s serious and professional.

Benefit from business phone packages that are tailored to companies that make and receive a lot of outgoing calls, especially ones that are made or received internationally.

Why compare business telephone systems and lines?

When it comes to finding cheaper alternatives for your business systems and services, comparison really is key in helping you to find a better deal on your business’ utility bills.

There are several factors that you need to think about when getting a business phone line, regardless of whether you’re organising your first business telephone communications network or you’d like to compare quotes and get a new business phone provider.

You should consider things such as the cost-effectiveness of having a business phone and whether you’ll actually save money by having a dedicated business line rather than a domestic phone that you use for business purposes. You should also think about the level of customer support you’ll receive from a provider, plus the option for scalability if you need to expand your business telephone lines and the features that your phone package offers.

We help you review these factors, so you can then properly compare quotes from different business phone providers and find the best deal for you. We’ll also talk through any additional features you may require as part of your business phone package and ensure that you get a contract that works for you and your business.

Why do I need a business phone line?

There are several reasons why a business phone line can come in incredibly handy:

  • You can get dedicated business phone rates.
  • It looks more professional to customers.
  • It’s better for privacy purposes.
  • You’ll benefit from features such as the ability to have multiple lines in use at any one time, automated call handling and extension dialling, amongst others.

What are the different types of business phone lines?

There are two main types of business phone lines:

  • Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)
  • Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)

A Public Switched Telephone Network is viewed as the more traditional business phone line as it uses analogue signals to send and receive voice communications. This type of business phone network only allows for one call per line at a time, which is ideal if your business is relatively small or if it operates from your home.

An Integrated Service Digital Network, on the other hand, is an ideal business telephone network if your business operates on a larger scale and you need to use more services such as voice, video and data. ISDN phone lines allow for more than one call at a time, so it’s ideal if there are multiple staff within your business who require the use of the phone at the same time.

Choosing the right phone line for your business depends on your business needs and how big your business is. If you opt for an ISDN network, you should know that this can be increased as your business grows so there is always room for expansion when it comes to your business’ telephone lines.

Should I bundle my business phone line and broadband?

While it’s not always the case, sometimes it can be cheaper to bundle your business phone line with your business broadband into one streamlined package from the same provider.

Of course, it’s important to carry out the correct business phone line comparison to see whether you could benefit from a cheap business phone line and broadband deal as some providers may actually charge a premium for you to have both services under one package.

When comparing quotes from different business telephone providers, we will check whether you could save money by bundling everything into one deal, whilst also making sure that your package only includes what your business will actually use and need, rather than adding things on for the sake of it.

Business phone line providers

We can help you to find the best business telephone line providers by carrying out a business landline comparison via our team of experienced agents.

Simply enter your business details and one of our experts will get back to you with quotes from several business phone providers so that you can choose the best deal for you and your business.

Use our form below and enter your business details to get business phone quotes provided directly to you by one of our expert agents.