Business Gas

Find & switch business gas providers

Regardless of whether you’re in charge of a micro business such as a small family-run cafe or a huge corporation with a chain of businesses, we believe that every business owner can benefit from cheaper business gas

We find and compare business gas rates to get the best deal for your business. Fill in our easy-to-use form and our team will provide you with quotes from a range of different business gas suppliers.

Why compare business gas prices?

Comparing business gas prices is a good idea for a number of reasons. Firstly, it will help you to find business gas quotes from different business gas suppliers; not every company will offer the same rates for business gas, so by comparing quotes from different suppliers, you’ll likely find a much cheaper alternative to the current tariff you’re paying.

By switching your business gas supply to another company, you will get to choose the type of tariff that you’re on instead of being stuck with your existing, likely too expensive one.

What business gas tariffs are available?

There are numerous types of business gas tariffs available to you and choosing the right one for your business can take a lot of thought and consideration to ensure that you find the best deal for your business.

Take a look at some of the different business gas tariffs below to help you decide which one is best for you and your business.

  • Fixed-rate tariff - this type of business gas tariff enables you and your supplier to come to an agreement on the unit rates that you’ll pay for the duration of your contract with them. Fixed-rate tariffs are usually pretty competitive, so you’ll likely find very similar quotes from different suppliers, but you should still always compare quotes from different business gas suppliers before you commit to one so you know that you’ve found the best deal possible.
  • Deemed rate tariff - this business gas tariff works by the supplier offering you a 28-day rolling terms contract that comes into effect if you don’t agree to a new contract before your current one ends. This tariff often comes with inflated rates, meaning that you’ll be paying more than necessary for your business gas if you don’t switch suppliers or contracts.
  • Rolling Contract - A rolling contract works by tying you into a one-year contract which comes with inflated rates. These used to be a very common way of paying for business gas but as the rates aren’t as competitive as others on the market, you’ll end up paying more for your contract. Many suppliers are now offering deemed rate tariffs which are usually cheaper and fairer.

What costs make up your business gas bill?

There are numerous costs involved when it comes to determining how much you pay for your business gas, but the two most common things you should look out for when comparing quotes from different suppliers is the unit cost and the standing charge.

The unit cost is how much you pay for each unit of gas (kWh) that your business uses. The standing charge is a daily charge that covers the cost of transporting the gas to your business as well as the maintenance costs associated with keeping the national grid running smoothly.

The amount you’ll pay for business gas depends on the factors above as well as numerous other determining factors such as how much gas your business uses, the size of your business and where your business is located.

Will I need to get a new gas meter installed?

If your business currently uses a gas meter, it is unlikely that you’ll need to worry about a new commercial gas meter installation unless there is an issue with your current one or if you move somewhere without a gas meter installed on the premises.

How to compare business gas quotes

Many business owners hate the idea of comparing business gas prices as it can feel like such a chore to save just a few quid here or there, but you might actually be surprised by how much money you can save by carrying out a business gas comparison between different suppliers.

We recognise how tedious and time-consuming it can be to carry out a full comparison search for business gas suppliers, which is why we do the leg work for you. Find a new (and more affordable!) business gas supplier in no time.

Simply fill in a few of your business’ details in the form below and one of our expert agents will get back in touch with you with the best quotes for business gas in the market.